
查詢結果:共有 2 筆符合條件的資料

序號 篇名 作者 日期 期刊
1 談限制私法人炒作住宅與其憲法基礎【月旦時論】
Commented on the Restrict Private Legal Entities from Speculating on Housing and Its Constitutional Basis
林旺根   2022/10  月旦會計實務研究
2 談預售及新成屋之禁止轉售問題──剖析平均地權條例修正草案內容與疑義【月旦時論】
Commented on the Prohibition of Resale of Pre-Sale Houses and Newly Built Houses: Analyze the Content and Doubts of the Draft Amendments to The Equalization of Land Rights Act
林旺根   2022/08  月旦會計實務研究